Category: Health and Happiness Tips

  • Take a Magic Pill For Happiness

    BEING GRATEFUL MAKES YOU HAPPIER, IT IS AS EASY AS TAKING A PILL, BUT A WHOLE LOT BETTER FOR YOU. Valerie Grimes, The Happiness Hypnotist presents easy do it yourself ways to happiness, while explaining how hypnosis also can bring about a happier life.   This is Show #5,The Magic Pill for Happiness  

  • Kindness Is Next To Happiness.

    Valerie Grimes, The Happiness Hypnotist presents easy do it yourself ways to happiness, while explaining how hypnosis also can bring about a happier life. This is Show #6, Kindness is next to Happiness.

  • Walk Your Way To Happiness

      Valerie Grimes, The Happiness Hypnotist presents easy do it yourself ways to happiness, while explaining how hypnosis also can bring about a happier life. This is Show #2, Walk Your Way to Happiness.

  • How To Be Happier with Hypnosis

    Hypnosis Is A Tool To A Happier Life. Is your life flowing or stuck? Are you happy or sad most of the time? Disappointment, dead ends or discouragement can create a heaviness that develops into sadness and depression. It is a little hard to be happy when you are depressed. Perhaps you have tried and…

  • Hypnosis for Health and Happiness Tip

    Happiness is much, much easier to achieve when you avoid negative people. Hypnosis in Dallas for Happiness. A wise guru said it was best to do the following for peaceful happiness: drink clean water make your bed spend time with your pet Spending time with negative people is not on the list. Why do negative…