What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a highly relaxed and natural state, like floating on a calm stream.
How Hypnosis Works
Have you ever felt so focused on a movie or a book that everything else just falls away?
Time stands still and it’s almost like you’re floating through the experience.
That’s a form of hypnosis.
Hypnosis is a highly relaxed and natural state where the subconscious mind becomes more open to suggestion. When in this state, you are able to receive new confidence-building statements that can assist it in defeating old habits.
This means that even though you may desperately want to make positive changes in your behavior, your unconscious beliefs don’t necessarily line up with your conscious mind. This is why it can seem so hard and seemingly impossible to make lasting change or progress.
When your conscious and subconscious minds are in sync, life flows much more smoothly.
Negative thoughts and emotions can be standing in the way of moving forward in life. Whether it’s limiting beliefs, anxiety, fears, procrastination, overthinking, unhealthy lifestyles, alcohol dependency, or career stagnation, there are deep-seated reasons why someone could be feeling stuck. Some are so hidden that we may not even truly be aware of them.
The relaxed state allows for intense concentration and focus on one’s hidden issues.
That’s when real change can take flight.
During this state of deep relaxation, hypnosis is used to bypass the censorship of the conscious mind. Through persistent pursuit and continuous reinforcement, a new positive belief becomes fixed in the subconscious mind. It’s where your memories, thoughts, behaviors, and emotions originate.
Understanding Hypnosis
When the conscious mind is quieted, one can roam freely in their subconscious.
Guided by an experienced hypnotist, it’s easy to identify the deep-seated thoughts that prevent one from changing their life. The results are quick and effective.
Hypnosis differs from talk therapy by targeting specific goals in as few sessions as possible. Talk therapy is an ongoing process in most cases.
The results of hypnosis also depend on the willingness of the subject to fully participate. The more committed to the process you are, the more successful you’ll be at seeing true change.
How hypnosis works
The first thing you should know about hypnosis is that it’s not like it is in the movies. There’s no “sunken place.” There’s no magician swinging a pendulum in front of your eyes prompting you to go to sleep and then—poof—you’re under his complete and total control. The clucking is left to actual chickens.
During the session, you will be awake, alert, and fully in control. In fact, most people remember everything that happened during hypnosis.
After discussing your goals with the hypnotist, you’ll be asked a series of questions to help get to the root of the issue as swiftly as possible.
Then the process begins . . .
First, the hypnotist will use guided meditation and/or imagery to take you into a deep, relaxed state to focus the mind. Some say it’s similar to the dream state just before you drift off to sleep where your worries disappear. You may feel heaviness in your limbs as though you’re so comfortable that you don’t want to move.
Once you are in a hypnotic trance state, the practitioner will use direct or auto suggestion, metaphors and/or imagery to imprint your subconscious. In this state, you are more open to suggestions about changing your belief system or breaking bad habits. You’ll be able to more easily envision yourself actually making the change you want. So much so, that it’ll seem effortless to subconsciously commit to the suggested positive mindset.
Finally, the hypnotist will start the process of gently bringing you out of hypnosis. Many subjects say they wake up refreshed and renewed. Some even say that it’s just like coming out of one of the most restful and satisfying naps they’ve ever taken.
After having your subconscious mind “rewired,” you can move much more gracefully through life now that you’re no longer being held back by negative thinking or habits. You now feel at ease and in command when speaking in front of a group. You embrace making healthy choices for improved mental and physical health. For example, smoking no longer appeals to you. Alcohol no longer has the hold on you that it once did.
Your heart and your head are aligned. You’ve released your struggles and a positive outlook on the future becomes second nature.
This is all made possible with hypnosis and it’s available to you.
If you’re ready to let go of what’s keeping you from living life to the fullest, schedule a free consultation.
BOOK NOW or call 972-974-2094.
A brief history of hypnosis:
- The art of hypnosis dates back to the 18th century when Franz Mesmer practiced it through a process he called Animal Magnetism. Dr. John Braid coined the phrase hypnosis in the 1840s.
- In 1949, the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis was founded; it was expanded internationally 10 years later.
- The American Medical Association recognized hypnosis as a legitimate treatment method in both medicine and dentistry in 1958.
- In 1977 the U.S. Department of Labor added Master Hypnotist and Hypnotherapist to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.
Need more info on how hypnosis can assist you?
Come in for your complimentary consultation.Call 972-974-2094 or send an email.