How Hypnosis Helps To Regain Your Natural Sleep Patterns.
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Sleep is the most natural thing we do besides breathing, however due to the modern world we have created it is becoming increasingly difficult to get regular deep and lasting sleep. I would venture to guess that 80% of our clients experience problems with sleep.

Hypnosis has the effect of returning a person to their natural ability to sleep through private sessions that address the underlying causes of sleeplessness and then learning new habits that lead to good sleep hygiene and then to good deep, consistent sleep. It is important that we also create a level of confidence so the person feels the relief of previous worrying about sleep.
Developing a ritual that includes habits that promote natural sleep and then being consistent with them until they are an unconscious ritual, like brushing your teeth, is good sleep hygiene. Here are some ideas:
Bad Bed Associations Is Not Good Sleep Hygiene.
Create Good Ones.
Do you associate your bed with sleeping, eating, watching TV, reading, or sex? The bed is for two things only. Can you guess what those are? Sleep and sex. Do those other things elsewhere.
Create a Dark and Comfortable Room
Is the room light or dark? Too hot, too cool? Don’t stay awake thinking about it change it.
Our bodies prefer total darkness to sleep, so purchase a sleeping eye mask or room-darkening shades.
Do what you need to do to get the temperature comfortable for you.
Eliminate noise interference
A white noise machine helps drown out barking dogs, traffic and other annoying nighttime sounds.
Creating a scheduled bedtime
Remember your parent always reminded you…it is important to go to bed at the same time each night. It’s about programming, the brain responds very well to that.
No caffeine, alcohol, dessert or nicotine 4-6 hours before bed.
Caffeine is not a stimulant (as most think) it is much worse. It blocks the adenosine receptors in the brain, which triggers an adrenaline release, which puts you in an unnatural stress response, which drives the need for more caffeine.
It is not a good idea to have caffeine in the morning, either.
Nicotine is a stimulant. We think it relaxes us, but it stimulates the Central Nervous System, which you do not want to do if you plan to sleep well.
Alcohol converts to sugar, and dessert is also sugar. Drinking alcohol is like eating cake before bed, and we would not let our kids do that. We don’t give children cake before bedtime because they won’t sleep.
So why do we consume sugar and other stimulates in other forms? Get over the “I’m an adult and can do what I want.”
Find time to exercise, but not right before bedtime.
Try to work out at least 3 hours in the morning or before you go to bed.
No Blue Light
30 minutes before bed darken all screens. The blue light that emits from our devices reduces melatonin production. Melatonin is essential for sleep, absolutely essential.
*There are apps that create the orange light on your screen and the new OS for iPhone features Night Shift which produces a lovely orange hue on your screen, you can program it to come on 3-60 min before your sleep time. Or wearing orange tinted safety glasses while reading on your device works well also and these can be worn over your regular glasses.
Solutions to not sleeping and how hypnosis helps.
A hypnotist can help a person change their future thoughts about sleep, create methods to help wind down the conscious mind, reduce anxiety and other unpleasant emotions that keep them awake, support new sleep hygiene, reduce or eliminate cravings for alcohol, nicotine and other stimulants before bed, and promote daily exercise for stress release. And hypnosis can create a naturally alert state of mind and energy so the need for caffeine is reduced or eliminated.
*Thanks to Andrew McDuffee and his presentation on hypnosis and sleep issues at the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE) Conference April 2017.