How To Improve Your Self-Esteem and…
Gain the Power To Do Anything.
Consider Hypnosis to Increase Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence.

Let’s begin by looking at Childhood Needs VS. Adult Neurosis
We were all children and being a child is confusing. Our needs are not easily expressed and adult don’t seem to have the attention we needed. That forms subconscious messages that can get in our way later in life.
If you feel you are held back from accomplishing something it may have to do with the self-concept you developed as a child. We can re-write that concept with hypnosis sessions.
Essential childhood needs:
- To be cared for and protected
- To be touched, held, and caressed safely
- To be respected, loved, and valued
- To be shown interest, understanding and concern
- To be free to explore
- To express ideas, emotions, and concerns
- To be corrected justly, reasonably and intelligibly And my parents, like yours probably did their best but… So if you want to move past the old, out-dated messaging so you can easily accomplish your goals we can do that in four sessions, here is a summary.
Self-Concept re-training hypnosis sessions:
- SELF-Awareness
- SELF-Acceptance
- SELF-Responsibility
- SELF-Assertiveness
Self-Awareness comes from being conscious of what it is you do to create the current situation you really don’t want to be in (yes you created that). What your need is and how you are “attempting” to fill it.
Self-Acceptance is saying, “Yes I created that.”
Self-Responsibility is moving from awareness to acceptance to action. Here is a ‘check’ list that integrates the steps:
- Create a commitment to look deeply into your self, and to be open to learning
- Be willing to leave the family (of origin) so growth is possible
- To understand that change is natural, what if you decided not to change from age 10 to 15 years. Did you have the same social interests and friends as when you were 10 then at age 15?
- To recognize that as an adult you are the only one who can re-parent yourself and give yourself the things you didn’t get as a child.
- To feel empathy for the child (you), take the child’s side (your side)
- To see the child (you) as innocent, “you weren’t wrong to want to be loved, hugged, etc.”
- Get in touch with your creative, spontaneous part
- To understand it is okay to give all you need to yourself (because others can’t)
- Be truthful and sensitive
- To make amends to others if needed
- To be honest with self free from guilt/resentment
- To commit to the transformation process
Self Assertiveness is taking your new confident self out into the world and not compromising yourself for anyone or anything.
Contact us
for a no-fee phone consultation
or call 972-974-2094