senior citizen anxiety

3 Things Seniors Can Do To Reduce Anxiety

I’m Roger Simpson, the Seasoned Citizen Hypnotist at The Flow Center for Hypnosis in Dallas, Texas.

Roger Simpson Hypnotist

Last time, I covered how your mental storehouse of positive recovery scenarios relates to anxiety-producing blows to, for instance, finances. These positive memories of life-experiences can be used to dwell on, rather than on dread and fear of the worst possible future.

You see, your sub-conscious mind is like a ship’s crew, only the crew is a bunch of children, emotionally. They will not question an order given to them by their Captain, which is You, the Conscious You. If the sub-conscious believes what the conscious mind is telling it, then that “crew”, the sub-conscious mind, will do everything in it’s power to “make it so.”

So, if you are anxious or dreadful of the future, you can sit down for a few minutes, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths, relaxing your muscles as you exhale, and reminisce about other times in your life when you had wonderful recoveries from seemingly serious blows to you and your household. Sometimes, what seemed like a tragedy at the time actually launched you on a better trajectory for you life.

senior citizen anxiety

3 ways to overcome anxiety

If you have no good experiences or can’t think of any, make something up or recall a movie replacing you as the star…think, the last scene in Jimmy Stewart’s It’s a Wonderful Life, with you as Jimmy. The sub-conscious mind cannot tell the difference between fiction and reality and takes what ever you either imagine or actually experience as equally real.

Or, just start being thankful, grateful, appreciative of things in your life. Like, “I live in America, land of relative abundance. I have wonderful grandchildren that think I’m pretty special. I’m relatively pain-free. I have a roof over my head. I have more than enough to eat. This puts me ahead of 90% of the world’s population.”

Come in and see us, or give us a call 972-974-2094. We can help. Drug-Free, Organically. Consultation is always free. Links are below. Remember, you are the Seasoned Citizen, and your positive life experiences are your most important asset.