Author: Valerie Grimes
How to Stop Negative Thoughts and Get Control of Your Life With Hypnosis
How Hypnosis Can Help You Break Free from Expecting the Worst and Make Positivity Your Default Mode Have you ever made a wrong turn or taken the wrong exit? It’s an easy fix nowadays with GPS. Yet, when defeatist thinking is your default mode and you have no idea how to stop negative thoughts, that…
How to Love Yourself Like Never Before With Hypnosis
Is Hypnosis the Secret to Quickly Boosting Self-Esteem? When I was in third grade, I would often see a church bus with the letters “J.O.Y.” written on the side. Underneath that, it read, “Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last.” As a child, this authoritative statement stayed with me. After all, I was taught to…
Just Go With The Flow of Life, or Seek Options.
Did you know there are options to ‘go with the flow’ ? What does it feel like when someone tells you to “just go with the flow?” If you could, wouldn’t you be doing that already? I once thought it was such amazing statement, spoken with such wisdom about life and how life works. This…
Part 7 in an 8-part series of the Curious Phenomena of Hypnosis. Clients at The Flow Center are both disappointed and relieved after the hypnosis session when they realize they were aware of my voice off and on while in a trance state. I explain how an alpha state of trance is somewhere between conscious…
Curious about the business of hypnotherapy?
The business of hypnotherapy is quite curious. Part 6 Part 6 in an 8-part series of the Curious Phenomena of Hypnosis. Is it Hypnotist, or Hypnotherapist? Are hypnotists board certified, are hypnotherapists licensed? Speaking from my personal knowledge of the state of Texas and its regulations in the area of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, there is…
Curious about how hypnosis works? Here is how emotions assist in implanting a hypnotic suggestion. Part 5
Part 5 in an 8-part series of the Curious Phenomena of Hypnosis. When we are really certain about something, doubt is absent; conversely when we are doubtful, certainty is absent. This is how this law of mind works, we can’t be both ‘Certain’ and ‘Doubtful’ about something at the same time. Whichever thought has the…