Author: Valerie Grimes
Part 7 in an 8-part series of the Curious Phenomena of Hypnosis. Clients at The Flow Center are both disappointed and relieved after the hypnosis session when they realize they were aware of my voice off and on while in a trance state. I explain how an alpha state of trance is somewhere between conscious…
Curious about the business of hypnotherapy?
The business of hypnotherapy is quite curious. Part 6 Part 6 in an 8-part series of the Curious Phenomena of Hypnosis. Is it Hypnotist, or Hypnotherapist? Are hypnotists board certified, are hypnotherapists licensed? Speaking from my personal knowledge of the state of Texas and its regulations in the area of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, there is…
Curious about how hypnosis works? Here is how emotions assist in implanting a hypnotic suggestion. Part 5
Part 5 in an 8-part series of the Curious Phenomena of Hypnosis. When we are really certain about something, doubt is absent; conversely when we are doubtful, certainty is absent. This is how this law of mind works, we can’t be both ‘Certain’ and ‘Doubtful’ about something at the same time. Whichever thought has the…
Curious about Hypnosis? Part 4-Desire for Behavior Change Requires Strong DESIRE
WHY DESIRE IS NEEDED FOR LASTING BEHAVIOR CHANGE AND WHY HYPNOSIS WORKS Ready for a behavior change? Let’s say you want to stop a bad habit, like smoking. The conscious mind decides based on rational information that stopping is a good idea. But, then the subconscious must act on that decision. The conscious mind thinks,…
Curious about Hypnosis? Part 3 – Access to Subconscious Without Permission
Clinical Hypnotist Valerie Grimes explains how the subconscious creates beliefs without our conscious knowledge or permission. Here are the five ways the subconscious gets ‘set up’. Based on this information you can see it is our environment that shapes us, this mostly takes place before age 12. However, most of these can have an effect…
Curious about Hypnosis? Part 2 How Imagination Is Used.
Valerie Grimes, Clinical Hypnotist explains the role of imagination for effective hypnosis sessions. Art and nature are great ways to tell a story of how things can be worked out in the subconscious. Hypnotist Valerie Grimes uses an abstract painting to tell the remarkable story of one woman’s hypnosis session. It was so impactful that…