Do a Mind Declutter and Let Go of Haunting Memories This Halloween
Sometimes you need to do more than burn sage to keep the ghosts of the past away.
When we think of haunted houses, we usually think of creaky floorboards, creepy Victorian dolls, and that one locked room you should never enter.
The room where something unspeakable happened . . . the thing no one wants to remember.
No problem. Halloween only comes once a year anyway, right?
But some of us carry a “haunted house” with us all year long in the form of traumatic or bad memories.
Our minds are cluttered with haunting thoughts so we try to keep them locked away by repressing them. We wonder how to erase these bad memories, but the truth is that we can’t. They’ll always be there. Even though our subconscious represses them to protect us, they can be triggered.
The good news is that we can ease the feelings associated with painful memories and free our minds with the help of hypnosis.
How our minds deal with traumatic memories:
Your brain is like a house with many rooms. Some are cozy and happy, filled with loving memories. Some of them are locked for a reason. They contain uncomfortable memories that our minds cannot handle.
That’s when your mind’s “security system” kicks in. When a traumatic event occurs, your brain recognizes that you’re not able to process it yet and so seals that memory away in a room you can’t access, aka your subconscious mind.
But they don’t always stay silent. These tormenting episodes still affect your daily life. They create cold spots in your relationships, make strange noises in your career, and cast shadows on your self-esteem.
The ghost of past trauma doesn’t ask for permission to haunt your present.
How to work through trauma with hypnosis:
Traumatic events stored in the depths of the subconscious mind are done to keep the person from re-experiencing the event. In psychology, this is referred to as suppressed memories.
As discussed earlier, this is not something we decide to do but occurs subconsciously as a form of protection from the initial event.
Here’s an example. A woman we’ll call Anne panics every time her boss calls her into his office. It triggers something deep inside of her that causes her to break out in a cold sweat when she walks through that door. Her hands can’t stop shaking and her mind begins to wander as her boss gives her assignments. She leaves the room in a daze, not quite retaining the details related to her tasks.
Here’s something to remember: triggers alert you to something that needs your attention.
In Anne’s case, her boss’s office is the trigger.
To get to the bottom of this and release Anne from this trauma, an experienced hypnotist would have to help Anne get in touch with her subconscious. So, Anne would be put into a deeply relaxed state to help reveal the root of her trauma.
In this case, Anne’s memory is connected to her childhood of being called to the principal’s office the day she learned that her grandfather passed away. Anne’s brain had locked that memory away, but the emotions linked to it were leaking out every time she had to enter her boss’s office. Anne subconsciously put her boss in the same category as her principal, an authority figure.
While a hypnotist cannot erase this terrible memory for Anne, they can shift her perspective on what it means to enter the space with a similar feel. During Anne’s relaxed mental state, her mind is more open to hypnotic suggestion. The hypnotist “rewires” Anne’s subconscious to now see her boss’s office as a place where she feels calm and at ease.
Now that she has a positive association with the office, Anne can be more confident and productive without fearing business meetings.
And hypnosis can help you make that shift as painless as possible.
Guided by a trained hypnotist, you can view each trauma as a locked room in your mind’s house. But first, we spend some time in the brightly lit rooms where happier moments occured. Gradually, you’ll notice light coming from underneath the doors your subconscious has marked as off-limits or even dangerous.
Gradually, when you’re ready, we begin to open those doors just enough to see inside. What was once frightening becomes ordinary . . . just furniture, lamps, and windows with pleasant views. Eventually, these spaces transform from sealed chambers into comfortable corners of your inner sanctuary.
How we do it:
The Flow Center’s program has been helping people for decades who want to banish their negative thoughts and habits and transform their lives:
Journey deep into your subconscious: You’ll be guided into a deeply relaxed state that lets all other thoughts fall away so your mind can focus. This allows your subconscious to be more receptive to suggestion. The hypnotist will begin to unlock issues that have prevented you from experiencing self-acceptance and bring them to the surface.
Create new lovable habits for yourself: The hypnotist will then reprogram your old internal belief system and rewire it to accept self-love. This new “coding” will allow you to transform the way you see, respond, and attach meaning to your issues. Instead of the negative emotions and patterns you once had, you’ll be able to create new and lovable habits surrounding the way you see yourself.
Develop new positive and loving beliefs: The voices in your head telling you that you’re not enough will be silenced. No more beating yourself up. Instead, you’ll have effortless kindness and respect for the amazing person you already are. You’ll be able to step confidently into new habits that celebrate all your strengths and see your old habits with more compassion as they depart from your life.
Imagine a future where it is all possible: You’ll be able to take more chances now that nothing is holding you back. Boldly embrace a new mindset where the opportunities open to you are endless. Nothing is beyond you. In fact, success is at the forefront of your mind.
Additionally, imagine a future where you break the cycle of negative thinking so your children don’t have to go through what you did.
See the benefits of self-love: The result is a gentle and effective ability to return to your natural love for yourself. It’s always been there, but it eroded over time when those negative beliefs crept in. Now that you’ve released those feelings, you have more space to allow your self-esteem to blossom.
Decluttering traumatic memories from your mind:
Your haunted house doesn’t have to stay haunted forever.
Right now, somewhere in your mind, there’s a door you’ve been afraid to approach. Behind it lies a piece of your story that’s been waiting to be rewritten. You don’t have to face those shadows alone. The Flow Center’s hypnosis program has helped countless people transform their haunted corners into safe spaces.
Don’t let another year pass while those ghosts of trauma dictate your choices, limit your potential, or snuff out your spirit. The time to reclaim your peace is now. Let’s start turning on the lights in those shadows, one by one. Your future self – confident, peaceful, and free from these haunting memories – is waiting on the other side of that door.
Whether you’re in Dallas or on the other side of the world, we can help you via an in-person meeting or a virtual appointment. Here is the link to the consultation schedule.