New Years Resolution

How to Make Positive Behavior Changes Stick With the Magic of Hypnosis

How Hypnosis can help you form good habits for life

New Year, New You! 


You started the year off with a surge of motivation, an aching desire to make positive changes so you can finally become the very best version of yourself. You were all set on making the behavioral changes that would unleash the superhero within. After all, you know you have it in you to soar higher and go farther than you ever imagined.

You know that person is inside you.

He or she just needs the right catalyst to escape the years of broken promises that have held you back.

So, you’ve taken concrete steps – from signing up for that gym membership to stocking your fridge with kale to immersing yourself in success podcasts. THIS is your year. You’re going to do it. You’re finally going to break free.

But then the cold winds of January rise up and you’d rather cling to the comfort of your bed than go to the gym. The allure of chocolate milkshakes overshadows the appeal of kale smoothies. Time-consuming strategies from podcasts seem impractical when you have the demands of daily life breathing down your neck.

Your initial enthusiasm wanes and your motivation dies a quiet death as January becomes February. 

New Years Resolution
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The familiar roadblocks resurface and life goes back to what it was. 

You failed again.

But what if the real challenge isn’t motivation, but instead the ingrained set of limiting beliefs within your subconscious mind silently sabotaging your efforts?

Why is it so hard to change bad habits?

Limiting beliefs act as insidious saboteurs, stealthily undermining our efforts and thwarting our progress. Often deeply carved into our subconscious, these negative beliefs subtly dictate our thoughts, actions, and reactions. They’re like invisible barriers, preventing us from reaching our full potential and achieving our dreams. 

Maybe you think that success is unattainable, that you’re undeserving of happiness, or that failure is inevitable. These convictions shape our thoughts, and ultimately our reality. When we try to pursue new goals or adopt positive habits, these limiting beliefs emerge as our worst enemies. They make us doubt ourselves which can lead to self-sabotage. 

These beliefs can manifest as self-doubt, procrastination, or even a fear of stepping out of our comfort zone. Recognizing and challenging these limiting beliefs is crucial to personal growth so you can pursue a fulfilled and successful life.

How to stop self-sabotage and stay motivated:

Enter hypnosis!

Hypnosis is a powerful tool for creating lasting behavioral change. It goes beyond merely breaking free from limiting patterns. It rewires your internal programming to help facilitate genuine transformation. Ditching negative self-talk, cultivating confidence, and shifting your perspective on anxiety become possible through the profound effects of hypnosis. 

Hypnosis serves as a potent catalyst for ridding ourselves of negative habits and sustaining positive ones. By delving into the depths of the subconscious mind, hypnosis can reprogram deeply-held thought patterns and negative behaviors. When it comes to developing good habits, this process is particularly powerful. 

Through hypnosis, you can identify and remove the emotional roadblocks that hinder the formation of positive routines, replacing them with constructive suggestions. Whether it’s adopting a healthier lifestyle, committing to regular exercise, or trying to accomplish a long-held dream, hypnosis can instill a deep sense of motivation and determination. 

hypnosis session

Always dreamed of writing a novel? Working with an experienced hypnotist to instill self-discipline can help get those words onto the page. Want to wake up feeling excited about going to the gym and getting in shape? Hypnosis can shift your perspective so you can become a gym rat.

Once your subconscious is aligned with your desired behavior, hypnosis acts as a guiding force, making the adoption of good habits not only seemingly effortless but also sustainable in the long term. Forming new and better habits is no longer a struggle. In fact, it’s transformed into a  seamless process that feels effortless and natural, allowing you to navigate the journey to positive change with greater ease and success.

After all, life isn’t going to change unless you do. Can you wait another year to see if you can get those New Year’s resolutions to stick? It’s time to take control of your life and your destiny.

You have the power to change your behavior for success:

It may not seem like it right now, but the truth is that you’re more powerful than you think.

Don’t laugh. It’s true.

You possess more strength, courage, and fearlessness than you realize. Hypnosis helps you  tap into the vast potential buried within your subconscious and allows you to shed negative patterns. What emerges is the most authentic version of yourself.

Remember back to when you were a little kid and used to pose in front of a mirror, flexing your muscles? You were the most fearsome superhero in the universe. Everything seemed possible then.

It still is. 

Life or well-intentioned (heck, sometimes not-so-well-intentioned) loved ones may have weighed you down with unfair circumstances or by projecting their own negative beliefs onto you. It wasn’t fair then and it isn’t fair now. But you don’t have to live with the shadow of that negativity hanging over your head. You can stop believing the worst and beating yourself up.

And you don’t have to do it alone.

An experienced hypnotist will take you on this transformative journey. There’s a  latent power residing within you, just waiting to be unleashed. A profound shift in behavior change can alter your actions as well as how you react to situations beyond your control. You’ll no longer feel dread when faced with new opportunities for change. Instead, you’ll have a new positive outlook that will foster lasting productive habits.

Hypnosis is “mind over matter” with a little more firepower. Once you unlock the reason why you can’t stay motivated, a hypnotist can spark a glow in your subconscious about whatever you want to accomplish, eventually growing into a flame. When you can finally break free from patterns and change your behavior, anything is possible. You’re just one session away from a more focused and productive you. 

How we do it:

The Flow Center’s program has been helping people for decades who want to banish their negative thoughts and habits and transform their lives:

Journey deep into your subconscious: You’ll be guided into a deeply relaxed state that lets all other thoughts fall away so your mind can focus. This allows your subconscious to be more receptive to suggestion. The hypnotist will begin to unlock issues that have prevented you from experiencing self-acceptance and bring them to the surface.  

Create new lovable habits for yourself: The hypnotist will then reprogram your old internal belief system and rewire it to accept self-love. This new “coding” will allow you to transform the way you see, respond, and attach meaning to your issues. Instead of the negative emotions and patterns you once had, you’ll be able to create new and lovable habits surrounding the way you see yourself.

Develop new positive and loving beliefs:  The voices in your head telling you that you’re not enough will be silenced. No more beating yourself up. Instead, you’ll have effortless kindness and respect for the amazing person you already are. You’ll be able to step confidently into new habits that celebrate all your strengths and see your old habits with more compassion as they depart from your life. 

Imagine a future where it is all possible: You’ll be able to take more chances now that nothing is holding you back. Boldly embrace a new mindset where the opportunities open to you are endless. Nothing is beyond you. In fact, success is at the forefront of your mind.

Additionally, imagine a future where you break the cycle of negative thinking so your children don’t have to go through what you did.

self confidence self esteem

See the benefits of self-love: The result is a gentle and effective ability to return to your natural love for yourself. It’s always been there, but it eroded over time when those negative beliefs crept in. Now that you’ve released those feelings, you have more space to allow your self-esteem to blossom.

Take control of your behavior and form better habits

Don’t let 2024 be just another year of unfulfilled resolutions. Let this be the year you make positive changes to your behavior and alter the course of your life. You owe it to yourself to live it out the way you’ve always dreamed. 

Click on the link below to book an appointment and initiate your journey toward sustainable behavior change with hypnosis. A year from now, you’ll be thanking your past self for having the courage to embark on this transformative path. It’s possible you won’t even recognize who you are come next January. 

Only you can make the positive changes in your behavior that can help you realize you thought only possible on vision boards. With the help of a trained and experienced hypnotist, you can be the success story that inspires others to break away from self-sabotaging habits.

Embrace the power within, and let’s make this year the pivotal point in your journey toward genuine behavior change, self-discovery, and personal growth!