How Hypnosis Can Create A Calm Mindset
When the unknowns of life are swirling all around you, anxiety can cause you to cling to the things that you do have power over. You can micromanage all you want for some semblance of order, but you’re still filled with an impending sense of doom.
Even though it’s impossible to predict the future, we try to take control by carefully planning and constructing each detail for the desired outcome. Then when something comes along to throw those plans into turmoil like the proverbial wrench, it can deeply affect our mental and physical health.
Hypnosis for racing thoughts can help you take back control of your life and find peace, even amid the chaos. It’s a proven way of dealing with the unexpected without everything falling apart like a house of cards when something hijacks your plans.
How anxiety manifests:
Life circumstances beyond our control can leave us feeling disordered and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Since we have no idea how or when that might happen, we spend our time trying to control the things that we can. We adhere to strict diets, micromanage every second of our day, and make sure to cross every item off our to-do list to feel a sense of rightness.
When something comes along that completely upends the world as we know it, anxiety takes root and it can feel like the bottom has fallen out of our world. It often goes beyond feeling like the normal stressors of the day. In fact, it can feel like a black cloud following you everywhere you go.
Anxiety can be a fear about the future, but it can also be triggered by any physical or emotional abuse we’ve already experienced. Sometimes an alarming familiarity from the past can cause your body to vibrate with dread and panic and you live in fear of something terrible happening again.
(If you feel you have a problem with anxiety, contact your doctor for their professional advice, self diagnosis is not advisable).
So, when something goes against our will, we can experience a sinking feeling. We then look for ways to feel better and fill up the space of the unknown. We embrace known comforts like more eating, more alcohol, trying harder (which is futile by the way), and packing more things to distract us into our calendar. Just more everything.
Let’s not forget how social media has crept into our lives and introduced us to a whole other set of fears. Not only are our brains overloaded by constant streams of information, but it can make us insecure about the way we should be living our lives. That’s to say nothing of the blue light emitted by smartphones which disrupts our circadian rhythms and melatonin production.
Information overwhelm can also affect our ability to process what we’re seeing and hearing. Texts and emails can easily be misconstrued which brings on more anxiousness and confusion.
All of this creates tension, hopelessness . . . and probably complete and utter exhaustion.
Medication is the route that most people take, and it can help, but it can also mask the problem. It also doesn’t provide positive tools that can help you deal with anxiety-inducing issues that can sprout up in real-world situations.
Hypnosis for anxiety can help you deal productively with the unexpected and move through the situations with ease. It does it safely and effectively without relying on anxiety medications which can dull the senses.
Hypnosis for a calmer mind:
So, does hypnosis really work for anxiety?
Yes, hypnosis truly does help with dealing with mushrooming anxious thoughts and feelings.
When anxiety strikes, it can feel like everything is rushing towards you at once. Your mind spins in a million different directions, cataloging every possible outcome. And guess what? Each one always ends in disaster.
Especially if you’re doing what my father used to refer to as “borrowing problems” from the future. Instead of focusing on the here and now, you’re letting your worry run rampant by fixating on what might happen.
Your mind needs something to redirect that tension and sense of alarm.
This is where hypnosis comes in.
Hypnosis is a state of focused attention, increased suggestibility, and deep relaxation. It allows you to access your subconscious mind, where many of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are stored. By working with a trained hypnotist, you can harness the power of your subconscious to reframe negative thought patterns, reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation.
It’s also an investigative tool to discover how the loss of control originated. In a hypnotic state, one can shift up to a broader view of their experience and better see the cause of the now negative effect.
I reached out to Mrs. Grimes due to an unresolved issue. Admittedly, I was a skeptic of hypnosis prior to our session, but am now a believer. In fact, I was so fascinated by the results, it has spurred me to research how our subconscious is programmed from birth and how we can change that incessant internal monologue, especially when it doesn’t serve our purpose. Not surprisingly, hypnosis is one of the few ways it can be done. Mrs. Grimes is professional, empathetic, and does an outstanding job of helping to get rid of unwanted and unproductive mental ‘background noise’ and replacing that with confident positivity.
John S – Atlanta
Additionally, we use direct suggestion to communicate a new positive, healthy message to the body and mind to restore normal and natural function.
So if you’re feeling hopeless, hypnosis offers a tranquil and peaceful place in your mind for you to come back to your natural center. Can’t you feel your body relaxing already?
Here’s a helpful tip:
When you’re feeling out of control, ask yourself what you would do if you had the power to control the situation. This allows you to be in the driver’s seat if only in your mind and gives you some agency instead of feeling powerless.
How we do it:
The Flow Center’s program has been helping people for decades who want to banish their worry-driven thoughts and habits and transform their lives:
Journey deep into your subconscious: You’ll be guided into a deeply relaxed state that lets all other thoughts fall away so your mind can focus. This allows your subconscious to be more receptive to suggestion. The hypnotist will begin to unlock issues that have prevented you from experiencing self-acceptance and bring them to the surface.
Create new lovable habits for yourself: The hypnotist will then reprogram your old internal belief system and rewire it to accept self-love. This new “coding” will allow you to transform the way you see, respond, and attach meaning to your issues. Instead of the negative emotions and patterns you once had, you’ll be able to create new and lovable habits surrounding the way you see yourself.
Develop new positive and loving beliefs: The voices in your head telling you that you’re not enough will be silenced. No more beating yourself up. Instead, you’ll have effortless kindness and respect for the amazing person you already are. You’ll be able to step confidently into new habits that celebrate all your strengths and see your old habits with more compassion as they depart from your life.
Imagine a future where it is all possible: You’ll be able to take more chances now that nothing is holding you back. Boldly embrace a new mindset where the opportunities open to you are endless. Nothing is beyond you. In fact, success is at the forefront of your mind.
Additionally, imagine a future where you break the cycle of negative thinking so your children don’t have to go through what you did.
See the benefits of self-love: The result is a gentle and effective ability to return to your natural love for yourself. It’s always been there, but it eroded over time when those negative beliefs crept in. Now that you’ve released those feelings, you have more space to allow your self-esteem to blossom.
Use hypnosis to productively deal with racing thoughts:
When used correctly with a trained hypnotist, you can equip yourself with the tools to reattach yourself to reality, instead of getting caught in the web of “What if?” Hypnosis empowers you to choose a more positive mindset, align your actions so you can exert mindful control, and ultimately ditch the overwhelm.
You’re bigger than your anxiety and hypnosis can help you reclaim your power.
Break free from the emotional paralysis and take control in new and, most importantly, healthy ways that feel good to your body and your soul.
Hypnosis for a calm mindset frees you and allows you to continue your journey toward personal success without getting sidelined by worry and panic.
Meeting change head-on can be a wonderful way of bringing in new opportunities and has the bonus of building your confidence.
Whether you’re in Dallas or on the other side of the world, we offer in-person and virtual appointments for your convenience. Click on the link below to change your life.