Hypnotic Blue Zone living

Sustainable weight loss by hypnosis


The extreme and restrictive plans for weight loss usually end with some kind of swing in the opposite direction:


Hypnosis to increase self esteem
Hypnosis to come back to a balanced state.

Those plans are way out of balance.  And the weight one looses is gained again. Those diets are not sustainable. The body needs balance, a balanced diet over time, a lifetime.  If the causes of the weight loss are addressed then those plans can get someone to their ideal weight but then a balanced plan needs to be introduced.  However no one will stay on a balanced eating plan if there are emotional triggers luring us to the “frig” at 10 pm.

I know women that are the same weight (okay maybe 5-10 pounds more) they were in college.  And they are 60 years old.  Why?  They never gained the weight.  They have been on a balanced diet and have always exercised and so the body maintained that weight even through child bearing and menopause.  It is possible.  The body knows how to be the ideal weight.

How wonderful to be able to tap into the body’s intelligence.

There are a couple of obvious problems to examine when it comes to weight gain:

  1. we are out of touch with our bodies
  2. we have stopped moving
  3. we have become a quick fix society
  4. the subconscious mind has developed strong habits over time
    1. cravings
    1. attitude towards exercise
    1. magical thinking that “this diet will work”
    1. disdain for their body (really bad)


A hypnotic blue zone is not a physical place but a mental state.  There are actual, physical places called Blue Zones where life is in balanced and research has showed that people live longer, healthier and vital lives.  They are in touch with their body’s needs and care for their bodies.

At The Flow Center for Hypnosis, we create this state of mind so we can examine and transform all the problems related to weight gain and yoyo dieting.

Contact us for a no fee consultation to learn how to get your mind and body in balance so permanent weight loss is possible. 


Some of the calls we get are inquiring how much and how quickly can they loose weight.  I have never used this rapid weight loss model in my practice because I liken it to another quick fix.  For lasting change, the emotions and patterns around cravings must be addressed and if there is some low self-esteem we need to get that reversed.  So weight loss with hypnosis is more like a whole mind / body agreement experience and it is not a quick fix but it is an easy sustainable fix.  If you just focus on what one is eating, that is not balance there is so much more to it then what we put in our mouths.

Watch this quick video about hypnotic blue zones and how that is possible with hypnosis.

Here is an article on the role of the core belief system at the subconscious level and how it can create a state of mind with hypnosis where weight loss is easy and sustainable.

Article by Valerie Grimes, CHt clinical hypnotist, learn more about her here.
Contact us for a no fee consultation to learn how to get your mind and body in balance so permanent weight loss is possible.

What is a Blue Zone?

When you live a Blue Zone ™ it is reported you exist an environment that allows you to live an absolutely wonderful long and vibrantly healthy life. People in these zones are reported to live much longer than average.

These are real, natural places where the inhabitants eat nutritious foods and in the right amount, limit smoking and drinking, are socially engaged and have a purpose. But, there are only five places in the world like that: Okinawa Japan, Sardinia Italy, Nicoya Costa Rica, Icaria Greece and Loma Linda, CA USA. What if I could show you a way to create a lifestyle similar to the centurians who live in the Blue Zones no matter where you live and you too could enjoy the Blue Zone benefits?

Sound good?

Learn more about Blue Zones here https://www.bluezones.com/

The Flow Center for Hypnosis in Dallas specializing in weight loss, smoking cessation, alcohol dependency, stress, anxiety and sleep problems since 2002.

Blue Zone is a trademark of Dan Buettner

Watch this quick video about creating good nutrition in a hypnotic blue zone.

Contact us for a no fee consultation to learn how to get your mind and body in balance so permanent weight loss is possible.