Self hypnosis works under scary circumstances.
Read Connie’s story of a MRI experience that connected her with her departed dogs and brought her peace through self hypnosis. Connie came for hypnosis about 10 years ago, maybe longer. She wanted to connect to creativity and her natural…
What is the gift of shift? A shirt in perspective. It is the spontaneous realization that in any moment you can shift your attitude, your thoughts, and your feelings. And therefore your next step in life. Nice thought. Nice gift. Lately…
That means with hypnosis sessions you can fix it. That old adage “It’s All In Your Head” has a derogatory meaning but it is rather GOOD NEWS. When you stop and consider why that comment is made, is it perplexing.…
By Valerie Grimes, Hypnotist In August 2018, Barnes & Noble announced a huge surge in the sales of books about anxiety; a 25 percent jump on June 2017. I wonder if any of those books were about how to do…
Too busy to get to our office? Just curious about what hypnosis is all about? Tight on cash and need help? We have pulled several recordings from our collection to offer you the answer to your questions. These recordings are…
This concerns me greatly. What can we do to help? Call and talk to fellow employees who you know are not working and see what you can do to help them. Talk to neighbors you haven’t seen in a while,…
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