How Much Is Your Body’s Weight Emotional?
Battle of the Bloat Release Emotional Weight with Hypnosis It’s easy to trick one’s self into thinking it was the wine, the crackers, or the cookies and YES those foods can create a bloated belly. However as someone that eats…
Hypnosis for The Pressure to Succeed and Other Modern Day Problems When did you cross the point of no return? What I hear from clients is that when they applied pressure to themselves and succeeded, they feel if they stop…
Hypnosis for Anger Outbursts and Other Modern Day Problems Did someone put the straw on your back that “broke the camel’s back” and you lost control and went into a tailspin? Think of it this way, they helped you see…
How Hypnosis Helps with Self Pity and Other Modern Day Problems No Personal Time? That is not good now and worse in the future. When we don’t take time for ourselves we can adopt a feeling of self-pity and that…
Do you fear the future? Hypnosis helps. How do you feel about the future? Hell what about tomorrow? A recent report on NPR stated that a large percentage of the US population fear retirement, mostly because of the lack of…
Do you feel out of control? Sometimes the more we try and control our lives the more out of control our lives become. When did you loose control? It was probably that first time you realized you were doing something…
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