Category: General
3 Things Seniors Can Do To Reduce Anxiety
I’m Roger Simpson, the Seasoned Citizen Hypnotist at The Flow Center for Hypnosis in Dallas, Texas. Last time, I covered how your mental storehouse of positive recovery scenarios relates to anxiety-producing blows to, for instance, finances. These positive memories of life-experiences can be used to dwell on, rather than on dread and fear of the…
Seniors, Anxiety and Hypnosis
I’m Roger Simpson, the Seasoned…Citizen Hypnotist at The Flow Center in Dallas, Texas and I’m dedicating my practice to assisting senior citizens with anxiety and other issues common with older adults. Seniors, or should I say, Seasoned Citizens have just as high a percentage of Anxiety and other related issues as the general population. But,…
Parents are Genetic Engineers
Parents can affect the genes of their child after birth. And you can affect your genes after your parent. If we look back at the first article on Epigenetics where I made the point that it is our environment that influences much of us rather than Darwinism theories and or one’s hard wire belief in…
Your Cell’s Growth Potential
Take Advantage of Your Cell’s Growth Potential. Use Hypnosis. My sister the science writer refers to cells as “learning agents” and I’m going to adopt that phrase (thank you VN Alexander). Right now, what are your cells learning? It depends on what is being communicated from the top down (your brain and the cells own…
Our Cells Can Learn.
Hypnosis is Your Cell’s Teacher. What are you teaching your cells? Our cells are learning agents capable of evolving based on thoughts and environment as research from the past several decades has proven. That is good news and means we have the choice to decide how we want to respond to our environment or to…
You Are Inside A Cooperative Community
Neo Darwinism: Life is an unending war among battling biochemical robots.* Well that is one way to look at it. Here is another way: life is an interconnected journey contained within our powerful bodies and expressed outwardly by individuals as part of a cooperative community. I believe in the concept of a cooperative community and…